
Generate FlowTyped compatible types for all the TypeScript definitions in a package

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Generate Flow types for all the TypeScript definitions in a package


flowgen-package --packageName semver --bundlePath ./semver.js.flow
flowgen-package --packageName semver --bundlePath ./semver.js.flow --packageDir "./node_modules/some_package"
flowgen-package --packageName semver --bundlePath ./semver.js.flow --typesInstallScript "pnpm install --save-dev @types/semver"
Usage: flowgen-package [options]

  -V, --version                              output the version number
  --packageName <packageName>                The name of the package
  --bundlePath <bundlePath>                  Generate a bundle suitable for FlowTyped at this path
  --typesInstallScript <typesInstallScript>  The install script used to install `@types/packageName`. By default npm install is used
  --packageDir <packageDir>                  If given instead of installing `@types/packageName`, the types for this package are generated
  -h, --help                                 display help for command

JavsScirpt API

const { flowgenPackage } = require("flowgen-package")

  packageName: "semver",
  bundlePath: "./semver.js",

For more information and options see the following:

 * @typedef {object} Options
 * @property {string} packageName The name of the package
 * @property {string | undefined} bundlePath Generate a bundle suitable for FlowTyped at this path
 * @property {string | undefined} typesInstallScript The install script used to install `@types/packageName`. By default
 *   npm install is used
 * @property {string | undefined} packageDir If given instead of installing `@types/packageName`, the types for this
 *   package are generated

 * Generate Flow types from @types package
 * @param {Options} options See the above for the documentation of options
async function flowgenPackage(options)