
Fix GDAL in continuous integration

Opened this issue · 1 comments

There is a continuous integration test defined in .github/workflows but it has never worked because the container needs to have GDAL installed. This needs to have some more cycles spent on it, to figure out how to adjust the workflow to install gdal before trying to run the tests.

Tests do pass when run locally.

Hi @DentonGentry ,

I am not sure if this repo is still active, but I took a stab at adding gdal to the github workflow and submitted a pull request.

Note: The tests currently fail when running the workflow (not sure if I should open a new issue?). The first error that I get is for test_extract_country_data.test_kg shown below:

E       AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetRasterBand'

The tests also fail when I run them locally. The error seems to come from trying to open one of the .tif files in the repo. I was also unable to open the file in QGIS.