
Handle Chain Submissions in Gateway (If Needed)

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p5150j commented

Handle Chain Submissions in Gateway (If Needed)

As a developer, I want the Gateway to handle any necessary blockchain submissions to Frequency, so that chain transactions related to the sign-in process are properly recorded.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Determine if chain transactions are required based on the user's state or actions.
  • Gateway submits required transactions to the Frequency blockchain.
  • Handle responses from the blockchain, including both successful and failed transactions.
  • Provide feedback to the app backend about the results of the transaction.


  1. Implement logic to decide when chain submissions are necessary.
  2. Integrate with the Frequency blockchain to submit transactions.
  3. Handle transaction confirmations and possible errors.
  4. Ensure retries or fallbacks are in place for failed transactions.
  5. Write tests covering the chain submission process.