
Add "markdown formatted" to message menu

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I merged the f.multipart-alternative branch, and now messages are sent in plaintext and html, and the original message text is parsed as basic markdown, meaning no extensions (such as tables) are included. Furthermore, any HTML in the message is escaped, meaning that any tags they include themselves, such as <b> will show up as exactly that, and not be parsed as HTML.

Additionally, they should not depend on their message being read as HTML; it is sent as multipart/alternative, meaning that HTML is available for readers which prefer it, but the plaintext part (with raw markdown) will be opened by many readers.

@lukevers, I consider this pretty much your problem to include. You could put in something that says "formatting" and hovering over it could show an explanation, for example.

Hmmmm. So when they add their node, should they have this option? I'm a bit confused where this would come in to play front-end-wise. I guess have them check a box?

This is built in automatically. It doesn't matter what they put in, it's going to be parsed as markdown and sent as multipart/alternative. This is just a suggestion for a short piece of text to explain taht.

I didn't really explain this in full, I realized. During the messaging process, there should be some brief explanatory text or "markdown formatted" with more verbose hovertext, and a link to the original specification. The basic formatting is applied only to the message body, and only in the text/html part of the multipart/alternative message, and any HTML they include themselves will be escaped.

Closed by 49e2b1b