
ERC1155 Clone + DefaultOperatorFilterUpgradeable

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi OpenSea team! We're deploying a system that uses a factory contract to deploy ERC1155 clones. Our implementation contract inherits DefaultOperatorFilterUpgradeable and supports EIP-2981.

Our verification fork tests pass, creator fees are enforced in the OpenSea testnet UI, and the mainnet contracts look like they are correctly registered with the operator filter, but we are still seeing optional creator fees on mainnet OpenSea. Implementation contract bytecode is the same on Goerli and mainnet. Any idea what might be going on? We were surprised by this in production, since fork tests and testnet deployments both looked OK.

Here's an example deployment tx from mainnet for one of the clone contracts.

Update: like the folks in #82, we now see the "Refresh Eligibility" button on collection pages and were able to log in and push it to register. (We did have to push the button twice—maybe that's a clue). When I posted this issue originally, we weren't seeing this button on the collection page frontend.

I'm still curious whether there's something we're missing here, like an event OpenSea is listening for that our contract is missing.