
How can I change the listing price of an NFT ?

Stanley-GF opened this issue · 0 comments

What's up ?
I'd like to know, how can I change the price (or transfer an nft) knowing that I only have these 4 informations:

  • The receiver (0xEc2d1Cb533F2FA3a753f7370086409dc106aFD37)
  • The signature hash (0x5dbc6c667e5eccaabffc725e6766d4e4cbbc26a68c19866122831972efe33cdd1bfa424c99ca4962469da29e8a8c3d75d6ef9478b162a855abe2f7696776f6931b)
  • The salt (4125713862951889991818813470787979299798913853469635383343454919537990, I highly doubt that that's useful)
  • The NFT information ([{"itemType":2,"token":"0x1485297e942ce64e0870ece60179dfda34b4c625","identifierOrCriteria":"2924","startAmount":"1","endAmount":"1"}])

I'd like to do it in NodeJS, if that's possible, or any other language except Solidity.


  • Stan