
Updating the Cookbook Contributor's Guide before the summer hackathon

Closed this issue · 3 comments

r-ford commented

Before our 2023 hackathon, I think the contributor's guide needs some updating. Here is a potential outline:

  1. Data access (include a statement encouraging the use of freely-available data, with the option for some small files to be added to the cookbook)
  2. Use the template (maybe just a few edits for clarity)
  3. Develop your cookbook (How much detail should we include here? We may be able to just link our GitHub/Conda tutorials and otherwise assume the reader knows how to do this part.)
  4. Pre-transfer checklist
    • Update, including badge links
    • Make changes to _config.yml. These will show up on the card in the gallery.
      • title
      • author
      • description
      • thumbnail
      • tags
    • Add notebooks to _toc.yml (Table of contents)
    • Clear all notebook outputs
    • Cookbook successfully builds using either GitHub Actions or the Pythia Binder
  5. Transfer to the ProjectPythia org (I think this part is mostly fine the way it is now.)
  6. Add cookbook to gallery


  • How complete should a cookbook be before it gets transferred to this org? I think there should be at least one notebook that builds successfully using our infrastructure.
  • Do we want to make the Pangeo Discourse the main way contributors let us know about their cookbooks? How about a Google Form?
jukent commented

@negin513 could you drop your thoughts on the contributor's guide in this issue?

@negin513 could you drop your thoughts on the contributor's guide in this issue?

Hey Julia, So sorry for the late reply on this. I have been busy with different projects and did not get the chance to complete my However, looking though modifications of #48 it looks great!

My most important addition was the the permission changes that is required for the Github actions which is now added now.

I also really appreciate the data access part which I neglected in the dask-cookbook.
I will go through the process again this week and will let you know if I though of any other things that we can add here.

jukent commented

Thanks for the contribution and the feedback @r-ford and @negin513