
marine-heatwave-cookbook proposal

Opened this issue · 3 comments

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Did you check if your contribution would be better suited as an addition to an existing Cookbook, before generating a new one?


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This is a cookbook tailer for the open science goal of reproducibility and utilizing the available OPeNDAP service provided by NOAA to grab the data. The cookbook currently contain the brief discussion of Marine heatwave and showcasing how to reproduce a marine heatwave plot/interactive tool. Future plan include the inclusion of marine heatwave forecast based on NMME models from IRI opendap access, marine heatwave tracking, and various important discussion topic i.e. trend removal of marine heatwave.

I am wondering is this the right place to propose new cookbook being incorporated in the gallery? Thanks!

It is indeed the right place, and we would welcome your marine heatwave cookbook!

@clyne Thanks!