
Removing this cookbook?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

In this PR and it's associated issue, it was determined that the information in this cookbook was better suited for the pythia-foundations page. Now that the info has been moved over, do we still need this cookbook?

@jukent @brian-rose

No need for duplicate information in both places! But if you have other ideas of how to expand this Cookbook, it could still be valuable.

I'm leaning towards deleting it since I don't have any plans to add to it. Would removing the cookbook be as simple as deleting/archiving this repository, or do I need to change some files elsewhere?

Go ahead and archive it. On the main repo, it will need to be removed from the gallery yaml file.

Yes, I suggest archiving but no need to delete! You never know when someone might want to pick it up again.

I don't think I have the privileges to archive this (I can't see the settings tab). Could one of you archive it for me?