
How to use non filed icons?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi, In my example Avalonia app I want to use following icon:
But when I'm trying to use following XAML:

<i:Icon Value="far fa-clipboard-check" FontSize="15"></i:Icon>

I'm getting:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: 'FontAwesome Style "Regular" not found!'

Any idea how to use this version of that icon?

I'm facing the same issue :
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: 'FontAwesome Icon "file-o" not found!'

Any plans to update icons.json and add all the free FontAwesome icons ?

@michalwitek1232 the icon fa-regular fa-clipboard-check is a pro icon and not available. Only free icons are available.

@mariusmg i can't the icon file-o online Are you sure the icon exists?

Hi @SebastianRumohr

Yes, it's this one
But it's v4, i assume these are not supported ?

@mariusmg no v4 is not supported. The current supoorted version is v6 (

Thank you for confirmation and kudos for creating this library.