
accordion - accessibility issue

UiJo opened this issue · 0 comments

UiJo commented

Bug, feature request, or proposal:

Violation md2-accordion > md2-accordion-tab[role="accordion-tab"]:nth-child(1)
when testing the accordion component for a11y (using Lighthause or axe)

What is the expected behavior?

No violation

What is the current behavior?

Violation md2-accordion > md2-accordion-tab[role="accordion-tab"]:nth-child(1)

What are the steps to reproduce?

Install Lighthouse or axe Chrome plugin and run a verification for

What is the use-case or motivation for changing an existing behavior?

This component should be a11y compliant, just like the Angular Material accordion.

Which versions of Angular, MD2, OS, browsers are affected?

tested with Chrome, Lighthouse and the latest version of Material Design 2 (0.0.29)