
Playback periodically stops until terminal window gains focus

scoaste opened this issue · 3 comments

Subject of the issue

Playback periodically stops until terminal window gains focus

Your environment

  • version of pianobar

  • your Linux distribution and release version
    Xubuntu Noble Numbat (development branch) 24.04

  • ffmpeg/libav version and the flags it was compiled with (if you compiled yourself)

Steps to reproduce

  • Launch pianobar in a terminal window
  • Wait while engaged in some activity in another app (i.e. browser)
  • Pianobar playback will occasionally stop between songs
  • Switching focus to the terminal window in which pianobar was launched resumes playback

Expected behaviour

Continuous playback w/out intervention

Actual behaviour

Intervention necessary to continue playback

Which terminal application and version are you using? Does it work correctly in other terminals like xterm? What does your pianobar configuration look like?

I only have the standard Xubuntu terminal installed. It's launched with "exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator"
Nothing fancy in config:

user = xxxx
password = xxxx
autostart_station = xxxx
audio_quality = high
buffer_seconds = 10
ca_bundle = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

Pianobar version hasn't changed lately. I assume it must be something updated from development branch of Noble Numbat, though I have no idea what.

Could be a terminal emulator regression, if it’s from the development branch. You could try strace or gdb and see if/where pianobar gets stuck.