
[FEATURE REQ] should show email auto suggestion when typing email

Opened this issue · 6 comments

As a user I want when I type email(s), should show auto suggestion for good user experience


This is a good FR. The emails of all employees from the organization can be fetched and shown as an auto-suggestion dropdown like Google calendar does.

@Propo41 hey, this is great so feature and i would like to know if i can possible to work on this?

@Propo41 hey, this is great so feature and i would like to know if i can possible to work on this?

You would need an organizational google account that utilizes meeting spaces in their calendars. If you don't have one, you won't be able to do this.

To implement this the following needs to be done:


  1. change the attendees' text field to an autocomplete dropdown text field keeping the UI consistent
  2. when the user navigates to the settings page, check if the local cache contains the "attendees" list, if not, fetch it from the server and save it to the cache


  1. make 2 separate implementations: the Google API mock and the original one.
  2. when a user logs in, check if the domain exists in the DB, if not, call the directory API ( and obtain the list of email addresses and save it to the table. If it exists, check the last updated time and if it exceeds > 1 week, re-fetch the list of emails and save it to db


  1. create new table Attendees with a FK relation with the User table's "domain"

@imkurosaki do you want to work on this feature?

Yes, i would love too but i don't have an organizational google account but you can assigned me i will find alternative or solution for this.

@imkurosaki assigned you. This is a bit urgent task, would be nice if you could work on it sooner if time persists