
Opening link from mail in browser, then switching back to mail scrolls email to bottom

Opened this issue · 0 comments

ogglO commented

Describe the bug:
When I click on a link and allow it to be opened in the browser, then switch back to the app the email has scrolled down to the bottom.

Live App Version:
1.12.7 (has been like this since I got protonmail in October)

Device + OS version
iPad 11 Pro 2018 iPadOS 14.3

Can you reproduce the problem each time?
No, but 90%

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open email (for me most annoying on hackernewsletter(.com))
  2. Click on link in email
  3. Allow to open in browser
  4. Switch back to email

Expected behavior
I would expect to go back to the position in the email I was on when I clicked the link