
install failure on mac os x - no openvpn found

sr-murthy opened this issue · 6 comments

I was unable to install the Proton VPN CLI because the shell script was unable to find an openvpn package on my Mac (OS X 10.13.6).

[/path/to/protonvpn-cli]$ sudo ./ --install
[!] Error: openvpn is not installed. Install `openvpn` package to continue.

Just install OpenVPN with brew install openvpn.

@sr-murthy please, close the issue if the problem is solved.

I don't understand. I installed openvpn on my Mac using brew:

[2018-10-25 17:32:53 srm@~/Documents/sandeep/cst/protonvpn-cli]$ brew install openvpn
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /Users/srm/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/de5d381f8eb64af72a02204132e44ce5babfce55d0de7852cd31e689798c13d8--openvpn-2.4.6.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> Pouring openvpn-2.4.6.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
To have launchd start openvpn now and restart at startup:
  sudo brew services start openvpn
==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/openvpn/2.4.6: 83 files, 1.4MB

but running sudo ./ --install gives me an error:

[!] Error: openvpn is not installed. Install `openvpn` package to continue.

Ah, I forgot to add /usr/local/Cellar/openvpn to the system path.

Doesn't work. I get the same error. This is hopeless, and anyway I am not interested in using this tool.

It's weird, on my Mac Homebrew installed a symlink to openvpn binary at /usr/local/sbin so I didn't need adding /usr/local/Cellar to system path.