
Is there a plan to make it work for OpenBSD

adamsteen opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi after seeing #164, I thought i would raise a specific issue for OpenBSD.

I attempted a doas ./ --install and installed packages as they were requested, but iptables was requested. OpenBSD does not support iptables but has pf see pf(4) and PF - User's Guide.

Are there any plans to support this?

iptables is not actually a requirement (it does not appear in the documentation). It should have been commented, because the use of iptables is commented in the code. You can comment it yourself at line 54-59, and redo a doas ./ --install.

next problems were sha512sum and shasum don't exist on OpenBSD, so i had to use sha512 and tweak the script.

should the .protonvpn-cli be install in root or the current users home dir?

see "add OpenBSD Support." #183

the script is not very verbose, a verbose mode would be great in understand what the script is trying to do.

should the .protonvpn-cli be install in root or the current users home dir?

See #159, #158

I am able to get it working, but i am not happy with it. see adamsteen/protonvpn-cli use at your own risk.

Closing as I have t heard anything back from @ProtonVPN

Closing as I have t heard anything back from @ProtonVPN