
Hit the web server for logging.

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I want to have the door system call a Web URL when a card is granted or denied access. I think that two lines of code should do it, plus whatever is need to load the library.
Both would go in server/

One right after line 115"%s[%s] entered the space" % (card["owner"], card['serial']))

The other right after line 112
self.log.warn("%s[%s] denied access" % (card["owner"], card['serial']))

On the Pi side, the pi doesn't care about the results. It's really just a notification to the server.

It looks like urllib would do it

But I hear a lot of people recommending requests instead:

It might be worth, "standardizing" (as much as we ever standardize on anything at PS) as we may later want to use POST or HTTPS, and requests is more likely to do that, maybe?

The URL to hit will be: or

The part up to is fixed.

The next section (1234567890) is the RFID card, called "serial" in the door database. It's 10 hex digits (exactly 10).

The final part (REFUSED or ALLOWED) tells whether the card was accepted or rejected.

It wouldn't hurt include a third option for "UNKNOWN" (Unknown cards are also rejected, rejected means we know who you are and don't let you in. In geek terms, Unknowns are not authenticated nor authorized. Rejections are authenticated, but not authorized.)

Let me know what you think, and if you agree, clone the file and have at it.