
Config and messages are taken from bungeecord

Closed this issue · 19 comments

After installing the plugin config.yml and messages.yml are from the bungeecord.

Probably because you are using BungeeCord and probably RedisBungee uses BungeeCord Configuration or Messages Configuration instead of the normal Configuration system provided for plugins.

so whats the problem again?

After installing the plugin defaults of config.yml and messages.yml are not from the plugin, but from the bungeecord.

it doesn't make sense, Plugin when starts up it adds default config if it does not detect them, or config version is old

unless i am not understanding anything could you elaborate more?

Default config contains bungeecord's config, not plugin's config.

have you checked the plugin's folder?

Default config contains bungeecord's config, not plugin's config.

Yea, it contains config.yml, messages.yml and old_config folder. config and messages are from bungeecord files.

Yea, it contains config.yml, messages.yml and old_config folder. config and messages are from bungeecord files.

send screenshot please

what do you want to see

.ymls files content and remove any sensitive data like passwords etc

config.yml of redisbungee contains config.yml of bungeecord
messages.yml of redisbungee contains messages.yml of bungeecord

alright then.... what kind of hosting company you are using?, they might replacing the files

no, they dont replace the files

can you send server startup logs, i need to check whats going on.

i didn't see anything unnormal there

even if you see nothing abnormal i need these stuff

remove sensitive stuff

  • bungeecord config file
  • bungeecord messages file
  • RedisBungee messages file
  • RedisBungee config file
  • server logs even if there is no abnormal stuff

maybe it's because bungeecord jar is in another folder, idk and i don't want to check more

If you are not collaborating with the developer it means your lack of interest with the issue and will not get solved.

Sure, but I don't really have interest and strenght to explain this issue more.