
Running hardnested attack error

mrmoonshine24 opened this issue · 1 comments


I am currently trying to hardnested a tag of mine. but whenever i try to launch it, the following error will occur.

[usb] pm3 --> hf mf hardnested --blk 0 -a -k ffffffffffff --tblk 6 --ta
[=] Target block no 6, target key type: A, known target key: 000000000000 (not set)
[=] File action: none, Slow: No, Tests: 0
[+] Using no SIMD core.

time | #nonces | Activity | expected to brute force
| | | #states | time

   0 |       0 | Start using 8 threads and no SIMD core                  |                 |
   0 |       0 | Brute force benchmark: 610 million (2^29.2) keys/s      | 140737488355328 |    3d
   2 |       0 | Using 235 precalculated bitflip state tables            | 140737488355328 |    3d
   5 |     112 | Apply bit flip properties                               |  10213523456000 |    5h
   6 |     223 | Apply bit flip properties                               |   8664185307136 |    4h
   7 |     335 | Apply bit flip properties                               |   8378623459328 |    4h
   8 |     447 | Apply bit flip properties                               |   8378623459328 |    4h
   9 |     559 | Apply bit flip properties                               |   8378623459328 |    4h
  10 |     670 | Apply bit flip properties                               |   8378623459328 |    4h
  11 |     781 | Apply bit flip properties                               |   8378623459328 |    4h
  11 |     892 | Apply bit flip properties                               |   8378623459328 |    4h
  12 |    1004 | Apply bit flip properties                               |   8378623459328 |    4h
  13 |    1111 | Apply bit flip properties                               |   8378623459328 |    4h
  15 |    1220 | Apply bit flip properties                               |   8378623459328 |    4h

/opt/homebrew/bin/pm3: line 246: 68917 Segmentation fault: 11 $CLIENT "$@"

anyone knows how to solve this problem?


You are most probably using RRG's software and therefore have to raise this issue in their repository: