
Edit graphql in compose tool

webuniverseio opened this issue · 2 comments


When using edit and repeat tool which opens a "Compose" UI, I find it hard to edit graphql requests. Sometimes I would like to remove some fields in that tool, but because graphql is sent like a single string with a bunch of line breaks, it is hard to make updates to it

"query": "query MyQuery($coordinates: Coordinates!, $filters: [GroupFilter!], $postalCode: String!], $zoneId: ID) {\n  

Perhaps that could be helped by adding a GraphQL tab, just like on network list view?

Why this feature/change is important?

It is a QOL feature, I would use postman more because of that

I suppose I can bring the GraphQL Tab to the Compose Tool, so we can edit the Query & Variables easier 👍

Do you think it helps?

Yes please, if you can 🙌