
Search through own maps

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A search bar, where upon searching some text, shows me my maps that have that text in the title.


I have too many maps to manage comfortably, and undoubtedly others do too. With searching, I would be able to quickly find a particular map.


On Issue #1227 I thought about maybe having the ability of going to a specific map page, but I've since realized that that doesn't allow one to find a particular map without knowing when exactly they created that map.

The proposal at Issue #1058 would also help manage maps, but it does not help in the case where one wishes to find maps of many states that are titled in a certain way. For example, if one has made a series of Democratic gerrymanders all across the United States, and titles those maps similarly (like Wyoming Democratic gerrymander for the Wyoming one), one would be able to isolate those maps easily by searching "Democratic gerrymander", whereas one would not be able to do so under a filter by state. However, implementing filter by state does play well with a search bar, and I suggest both be implemented.