
Showcase. Mobile experience. Patient info goes missing

Alena1508 opened this issue · 7 comments

When can see arrow button instead patient information on mobile device, but when we click on this arrow nothing happens.

this also applies to the Helm view in mobile so is a priority
Patient Banner goes missing


Hi @tony-shannon ,
I changed Helm for mobile according to mockups. Now we can see User name as in design (https://projects.invisionapp.com/d/main#/console/11007545/316291014/inspect).
It looks this way: http://prntscr.com/l8xn5m

An here I have a question. In green theme we have an arrow button by clicking on which we see the rest of patient info (http://prntscr.com/l8xuz4). But now this info is absent for Helm mobile version as it's absent from design:
So I wanted to ask if we should leave it like in mockups (w/o patient info) or we have to add patient info as it is in green theme?

Hi @tony-shannon ,
I changed Helm for mobile according to mockups. Now we can see the username as in design (https://projects.invisionapp.com/d/main#/console/11007545/316291014/inspect).
It looks this way: http://prntscr.com/l8xn5m

An here I have a question. Arrow button on green background (http://prntscr.com/l8xzfu). But now you’re absent for design:
I would like to see what you are looking for in mockups (w / o patient info)?

thanks @Alena1508

We need help from @simongamester here..

I think the user name needs to be higher in the Patient Banner (white background in Helm not grey)
Think we need to add arrow button in Helm, even if missing in UX Design

Again need @simongamester to confirm please


I've looked through @Alena1508 latest pull request #269 and can see the drop down and patient name are coming through, however the Helm Theme is displaying the patient text and drop down icon in white text on a white background, so they are not viewable. The screen below shows the white text in place after being selected by dragging over it.
Screenshot 2018-10-23 at 14.43.27.png

@Alena1508 @tony-shannon I've submitted a small PR to fix the text within the Helm theme for this issue:


Screenshot 2018-10-23 at 15.00.17.png


Screenshot 2018-10-23 at 15.01.02.png