
not work

Opened this issue · 3 comments

why BeanManager.getInstance().startDiscovery(beanDiscoveryListener); is not work, LOG: BLE scan started successfully. and then BeanManager: Scan timeout

Scan timeouts are expected ... by default the scan will timeout after 30 seconds. You should be called back on the beanDiscoveryListener when a Bean is discovered.

Thank U,I known that, I mean it can scan nothing.I wrote BeanManager.getInstance().startDiscovery(beanDiscoveryListener);but nothing callback.I download Ur lightblue APP,scan noting too;cause of I am in China?

Hi @deng7777777 ,

The LightBlue Explorer application should work in China since version 2.3.2+. I would make sure that you are able to scan/connect to your Bean using the LightBlue Explorer application. This is likely not an actual issue with the Android SDK. I would recommend posting your issues to the Bean Talk forum to see if any other users have had similar issues.
