item_order not getting set
kingoftheconnors opened this issue · 2 comments
I created a new category "Assist Mode" in my game, and added three custom-made settings to it. However, whenever running the game, these settings would get reset to their default. When opening up the plugin_data.tres, I found the category:
[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_8kxsx"]
resource_name = "AssistMode"
script = ExtResource("1_8aw2k")
name = "AssistMode"
settings = {}
item_order = Array[Resource("res://addons/ggs/classes/resources/")]([])
It looks like the item_order isn't getting properly set, even though I added the settings to the category. Any ideas why?
This image was taken when the settings were first added. After closing Godot and reopening the project, the settings were gone.
It may also be worth mentioning the "AssistMode" resource was placed at the very top of the plugin_data file, making it not able to refer to any other resources.
And also, the resources that SHOULD have been assigned to AssistMode (Indestructibility Mode, Moon Jump Mode, Game Speed Setting) didn't have their Category set.