
typo in lambda discussion

zolia opened this issue · 1 comments

zolia commented
func main() {

should be:

func main() {

I usually discourage the use of lambdas, but where are some situations when they really improve convenience for developers like time.AfterFunc(duration int, func()) or registering various handlers like: ch.Handle(conn.TopicInit, func(c conn.Context) error or famous type HandlerFunc func(ResponseWriter, *Request)

Lambas impairs the readability and traceability of a code in many cases, especially if the codebase is complex. IDEs also usually having trouble handling them properly, thus it might be hard to trace where certain lambda function originates from.

Thanks for pointing out the error @zolia 🙇 I definitely agree. I think a lot of the time, the Go lambda is a crutch used for trying to deal with the lack of generics. I would also prefer avoiding them as much as possible, to be honest.