
Role Restrictions for Commands (Assignments)

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If you wanted to allow a certain discord role from a guild to be able to issue commands to rescan.
Only allow certain discord roles, the ability to reQuest only specfic assignment groups ?

Example: If assignment name = xyz, allow role 12345 to issue the command
Thus, If assignment name = xyz, role 0987665 can not issue the command

Or to display only certain assignments based on a role for the user issuing the command, like a role/guild check before response?

As discussed:
For now I use only one restriction based on roles who can fire commands. For the thing you need you might have to create additional layer of security for commands. I would go with advanced_permissions or something where you could specify that role_id is allowed to use specified commands and list only specified assignments from them.
For example:

    "instance": {
        "discord": {
            "enabled_roles": [1234, 2345],
            "advanced_permissions": [
                {"role_id": "2345", "enabled_methods": ["status", ...], "allowed_assignmentgroups": ["quests_one", ...]},