
ICSE Practice Talk: KNOD: Domain Knowledge Distilled Tree Decoder for Automated Program Repair; Impact of Code Language Models on Automated Program Repair

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My name is Nan Jiang, and I am a forth-year Ph.D. student majoring in Computer Science at Purdue University. Currently, I am working with Prof. Lin Tan about leveraging Large Language Models for automated program repair and potentially other software engineering tasks.

Talk 1: KNOD: Domain Knowledge Distilled Tree Decoder for Automated Program Repair


Automated Program Repair (APR) improves software reliability by generating patches for a buggy program automatically. Recent APR techniques leverage deep learning (DL) to build models to learn to generate patches from existing patches and code corpora. While promising, DL-based APR techniques suffer from the abundant syntactically or semantically incorrect patches in the patch space. These patches often disobey the syntactic and semantic domain knowledge of source code and thus cannot be the correct patches to fix a bug.

We propose a DL-based APR approach KNOD, which incorporates domain knowledge to guide patch generation in a direct and comprehensive way. KNOD has two major novelties, including (1) a novel three-stage tree decoder, which directly generates Abstract Syntax Trees of patched code according to the inherent tree structure, and (2) a novel domain-rule distillation, which leverages syntactic and semantic rules and teacher-student distributions to explicitly inject the domain knowledge into the decoding procedure during both the training and inference phases.

We evaluate KNOD on three widely-used benchmarks. KNOD fixes 72 bugs on the Defects4J v1.2, 25 bugs on the QuixBugs, and 50 bugs on the additional Defects4J v2.0 benchmarks, outperforming all existing APR tools.

Talk 2: Impact of Code Language Models on Automated Program Repair


Automated program repair (APR) aims to help developers improve software reliability by generating patches for buggy programs. Although many code language models (CLM) are developed and effective in many software tasks such as code completion, there has been little comprehensive, in-depth work to evaluate CLMs' fixing capabilities and to fine-tune CLMs for the APR task.

Firstly, this work is the first to evaluate ten CLMs on four APR benchmarks, which shows that surprisingly, the best CLM, as is, fixes 72% more bugs than the state-of-the-art deep-learning (DL)-based APR techniques. Secondly, one of the four APR benchmarks was created by us in this paper to avoid data leaking for a fair evaluation. Thirdly, it is the first work to fine-tune CLMs with APR training data, which shows that fine-tuning brings 31%-1,267% improvement to CLMs and enables them to fix 46%-164% more bugs than existing DL-based APR techniques. Fourthly, this work studies the impact of buggy lines, showing that CLMs, as is, cannot make good use of the buggy lines to fix bugs, yet fine-tuned CLMs could potentially over-rely on buggy lines. Lastly, this work analyzes the size, time, and memory efficiency of different CLMs.

This work shows promising directions for the APR domain, such as fine-tuning CLMs with APR-specific designs, and also raises awareness of fair and comprehensive evaluations of CLMs and calls for more transparent reporting of open-source repositories used in the pre-training data to address the data leaking problem.