
Exception is thrown when I navigate to the third item in my tabbar (iOS)

edgiardina opened this issue · 10 comments


When I debug this from Visual Studio to my remote mac with my iPhone 12 plugged in, app loads up on first tab of my tabpage, but then I navigate to any other tab and I get the exception linked above

This doesn't happen as reliably on the simulator, but it does happen.

@edgiardina do you have a repro I can pull down and try to replicate the crash with?


App is very dependent on an IPFAapi key so I'm not sure if you can boot and run it without it; it should trap all errror a without it; but not sure if the errors happen then.


App is very dependent on an IPFAapi key so I'm not sure if you can boot and run it without it; it should trap all errror a without it; but not sure if the errors happen then.

Do you have a full stack trace?

   at Maui.FixesAndWorkarounds.ShellWorkarounds.CreatePageRendererTracker() in C:\Users\ed_gi\source\repos\IfpaMaui\Workarounds\Workarounds\ShellWorkarounds.iOS.cs:line 23
   at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Handlers.Compatibility.ShellRenderer.Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.Compatibility.IShellContext.CreatePageRendererTracker()
   at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.Compatibility.ShellSectionRootRenderer.ViewDidLoad()
   at UIKit.UIApplication.UIApplicationMain(Int32 argc, String[] argv, IntPtr principalClassName, IntPtr delegateClassName)
   at UIKit.UIApplication.Main(String[] args, Type principalClass, Type delegateClass)
   at Ifpa.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\ed_gi\source\repos\IfpaMaui\Platforms\iOS\Program.cs:line 13
   at Maui.FixesAndWorkarounds.ShellWorkarounds.CreatePageRendererTracker() in C:\Users\ed_gi\source\repos\IfpaMaui\Workarounds\Workarounds\ShellWorkarounds.iOS.cs:line 23
   at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Handlers.Compatibility.ShellRenderer.Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.Compatibility.IShellContext.CreatePageRendererTracker()
   at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.Compatibility.ShellSectionRootRenderer.ViewDidLoad()
   at UIKit.UIApplication.UIApplicationMain(Int32 argc, String[] argv, IntPtr principalClassName, IntPtr delegateClassName)
   at UIKit.UIApplication.Main(String[] args, Type principalClass, Type delegateClass)
   at Ifpa.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\ed_gi\source\repos\IfpaMaui\Platforms\iOS\Program.cs:line 13

Alright, I pushed a new build. I didn't super test it but I tried with a bunch of tabs on iOS and it didn't crash for me so 🤞

Thanks dude. I had filed another bug around bar color... am I using it wrong, is there a reason for the white?

Your fix has resolved this issue in my project. Thank you for building this, the menu/shell behavior is much better and almost a dupe of xamarin forms.

Your fix has resolved this issue in my project. Thank you for building this, the menu/shell behavior is much better and almost a dupe of xamarin forms.

Yay!! If there's any part of the titlebar being weird let me know.

almost a dupe of xamarin forms.

Is there something XF stills does better? is this working better than forms?

Is there something XF stills does better? is this working better than forms?

I filed this, I'm using a third party package to get around it but navbar and toolbar icons don't color the same in in MAUI as they do in XamForms.

Did you see my comment/other issue about the background bar color? I pulled the code directly and am not using the nuget because my toolbar is always white in iOS