
Support Jaws of the Lion

Closed this issue · 2 comments

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The title says it all really.

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We need to support expansions for other people who own Jaws of the Lion. This will involve a bit of an overhaul and a think about how scenarios will be set/rendered. I have a PDF of teh scenario bookon the way, which should give me a clearer indication of whats involved and therefore when I might be able to get this in

We can't move on this until we have permission from Cephalofair to use the assets (board images, monster images etc.)... once we have that permission this will be a go, but until then it's on hold.

We've reached out to Cephalofair, but at the moment they can't offer us their permission

I think at this stage it probably worth closing this issue. As much as I'd love to get Jaws of the Lion in, the amount of work required is more time than I realisticlaly have. So we'll shelve this for now and revisit another time