
Number/letter token overlays

Closed this issue · 10 comments

A lot of scenarios have number or letter tokens that either remind you to read some story line or represent different special rules. These would be really good to have in the virtual bord as well, because they are often not easy to represent by the available options (we currently usually use summons or obstacles for this, but it becomes confusing pretty quickly).

Non-spoiler example for level 2: there's a number 1 on the door, which adds new rules to the scenario and wouldn't be noticed if you didn't loom into the scenario book.

Level 56 (spoiler alert) has a-tokens which represent allies and would also be missed if you don't look into the book.

Keep up the good work, it's a really great platform!!

Hi @DaniBodor,

Thanks for your feedback and sponsorship! I think this might be a duplicate of #14 , but puts it a bit better than I did there. We currently use Summons in our games too, and you're right it gets complicated quite quickly.

I'll have a look into this probably in the second-ish week of the new year, once solo scenarios are in and as part of the custom scenario creator work that I'll be doing at about the same time :-)

orphu commented

Just to add, there are scenarios that have you adding terrain (like water tiles) as well. A general solution to add or remove overlay tiles is needed.

Hmmmm.. yeah looks like I'm going to need to add a few more overlays...do you know the scenarios that add terrain? Must have missed that when going through them :-/

orphu commented

74 - Merchant Ship is one.

orphu commented

Similarly, I see you have support for Forgotten Circles, but I don't see the Rift as an overlay option. These are overlays the diviner can create and move around.

Hi @orphu

Thanks for the example. I'm planning on including water tiles in the next release, but at the moment I'm focussing a lot on the Scenario Creator so releases and bug fixes are a little delayed.

With regards to the Rift tokens, they should appear if there's a Diviner in your party. Otherwise they should be hidden :-)

Hope that helps :-)

orphu commented

With regards to the Rift tokens, they should appear if there's a Diviner in your party. Otherwise they should be hidden :-)

Oh excellent! Thanks for the tip!

Hi @orphu ,

The water tile issue should be fixed now. Still need to add number tile overlays, but that will be available with or shortly after the Scenario Creator is ready :-)

orphu commented

Looks great, thanks!

This I think is now fixed as of 1.14.0