
Incorrect Map and Trouble Connecting

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Affected Scenario(s): [e.g. 6, 10 and 33]
2 and 4 are the ones we checked.

Describe the bug
After completing scenario 1, we tried to move on to scenario 2. When we clicked on button for the virtual board for scenario 2, it would open a new tab and display the map for scenario 1 as it was when we finished the scenario. When I tried to refresh the page, the map starts changing back and forth quickly.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Gloomhaven storyline
  2. Click on Scenario 2
  3. Click on Virtual Board
  4. See error

Browser : [e.g. Chrome, Firefox]

Another person was in the same room. We closed the other window and it works fine now.