
AIR 18+ - Android does not register device

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have set all the configuration to the ones provided in the docs.

In the sample in this git, it seems there is something wrong (check line 75 of "TestPushNotifications-app.xml" , the value PACKAGE_NAME should be changed in order to receive the push notifcation).

In my case, the application is not receiving the user token, I checked the device logcat and this is what I got:

02-13 00:26:39.973 23541 23541 D gcmExtension: GCMExtension.createContext extId: 02-13 00:26:39.973 23541 23541 D gcmContext: GCMExtensionContext.GCMExtensionContext 02-13 00:26:39.973 23541 23541 D gcmContext: GCMExtensionContext.getFunctions 02-13 00:26:39.983 23541 23541 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.getBoolean(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference 02-13 00:26:39.984 23541 23541 W System.err: at com.pushwoosh.nativeExtensions.PushWoosh.onDeviceReady(Unknown Source) 02-13 00:26:39.984 23541 23541 W System.err: at com.pushwoosh.nativeExtensions.PushwooshOnDeviceReady.call(Unknown Source) 02-13 00:26:39.984 23541 23541 W System.err: at com.adobe.air.Entrypoints.EntryMainWrapper(Native Method) 02-13 00:26:39.984 23541 23541 W System.err: at com.adobe.air.Entrypoints.EntryMain(Entrypoints.java:139)

Application is not registering because in your case there is no metadata under application tag at all. Did you forget to add PW_APPID and PW_PROJECT_ID?

Seems it was an error from my xml descriptor.