
Quick and Easy fixes

Opened this issue · 20 comments

All bugs or feature requests that should be simple to fix or triage.

-~assignrole needs a split embed in case it's very large : Embed send be defaault by another place

  • ~time should mention timezone as well Boston (EST)
  • ~unpin del (see pin del for simialr. Basically delete all extra notifs after unpinning)
  • "Unpin can remove nums to unpin logic
  • Put note on BBN sheet template (TBD) and TM's lion template about when you can/cannot reorder rows/etc in overview.

~listperm should have deleted roles autopurged after a while. (See if other DBs too)

~assignrole needs a split embed in case it's very large

  • "If mtalioned, then also specify it to people if sheet thing went through, regardless of the channel stuff" (Sheet updated, channel not updated)
  • Backsolved before solved (sortcat)

~listrole should list number of roles

~metasheetlion has an error

  • "If status is repeated, do not skip rest of command execution anyway" (Example, solvedlion followed by solvedlion)

~unsolvedlion should force update_ans

  • Doing ~statuslion "In Progress" sets the puzzle's status to "In progress" (note the different capitalization), which causes the big board to cought up an error (despite using the correct cell color) that the item needs to be an item in the specified list
  • rephrase react to emoji in the listreacts (or smth like that)
  • Update server_name in prefixes. every 12h

~solvedlion could also update both sheets Overview and normal

  • auto-unhide any template sheets on creation

~movechan - Does not check for 50 limit midway through move of multiple channels

~listemoji could use split embed too