
4.2 Display of Message Before Auto Power-Down

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The Wii U has an auto power-down feature (APD). By default, the console powers off automatically after 1 hour of no user input.
If you determine that using the APD feature causes substantial negative effects—such as preventing the application from supporting autosaves or preventing users from saving their game progress at points where they wish to save—Nintendo recommends taking either or both actions shown below.
When creating a new save data file, display a message informing the user that the console uses an auto power-down feature.
Approximately five minutes before the APD feature activates, display a message informing the user that the console will power down in approximately 5 minutes if there is no user input.
In System Settings, users can enable and disable the APD feature and configure the amount of time before it activates. Use the IMGetTimeBeforeAPD function to check the amount of time remaining before the APD feature activates.
Sample Messages
In order to save electricity, this console is configured to power down automatically after X hours with no input.
Please be aware that if the power is shut off during gameplay, then unsaved data will be lost.
(For details, see the Operations Manual.)
There has been no user input for X hours, so the console will power down in approximately 5 minutes.
Press any button to continue playing.