
1.1.2 Prohibition Against Submitting Master ROMs that Include Development Support Libraries

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Guideline Item
The master ROM must not include any development support tool libraries that cannot be used in the production version.
Test Method
In Master Editor, go to Partition Information → API Information, then go to the Display Filters dropdown, select Dev support library APIs being used, and check what is displayed in the resulting list.
Check the application's startup log.
Pass/Fail Determination
Passes if all of the following conditions are met.
In step 1, the list displays no development support tool-related libraries that cannot be used in the production version.
In step 2, the log does not display any of the following strings.
Wii U CPU Profiler:Could not obtain FS mount source: -2
Wii U CPU Profiler: Error initializing comm layer
GX2: GX2DebugCaptureInit failed. Capture not supported in production mode.
Software to Be Tested
All applications.