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The title uses no more than 5GB (5120MB) of the HDD.

Do not allow the size in KB returned by the game content utility (sizeKB) to exceed 5242880. If game data is also required by the title, remember to include the space for game data within this limit.
If 5GB will be exceeded, contact SCE in advance via the PlayStation®3 Developer Network website (
However, when following the explanation of R010 and releasing an HDD boot game title with the same content as a disc boot game, it is not necessary to consider the HDD space used by the game created after the installation of the actual master package (in this case, also, the total size of the HDD space used by the title such as game data, patch (HGP), and additional contents, which are not part of the main game section, cannot exceed 5GB).
For more information regarding this limit, refer to the Regulations Concerning Consumption of Internal Hard Disk Drive Space section in the document "Application Development Process Overview".