
12.1 Application Startup Screen

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After making a selection on the launcher screen and before the application launches, a startup display is shown on the television and on the Wii U GamePad.
Make one startup screen image for the TV and one startup screen image for the Wii U GamePad, in 24-bit TGA format with the dimensions given below.
TV: 1280x720 pixels
Wii U GamePad: 854x480 pixels
You will need to specify these images in the Application Configuration Tool. Do not use a blank image, such as a solid color or a screen showing just a simple gradation. It is up to the developer whether to include the title of the application in this image. However, the image is not swapped if the language settings are changed, so Nintendo does not recommend including any language-specific text in the image.
It is fine to display the same image on both the television and the Wii U GamePad. Make sure to resize or trim it to match each screen size when doing so.
Furthermore, do not assume that the application startup screen will have the user's attention. Specifically, do not use it for things like displaying copyright notices. The reasoning behind the above prohibition is as follows.
It is possible that, due to future system updates, the duration of the display of the application startup screen could change.
There is no guarantee that future consoles will display the same application startup screen, even if they are backwards-compatible with the Wii U.
12.1.1 Implementing a Startup Screen

Guideline Item
The application must display a startup screen on the TV and on the Wii U GamePad, conforming to the guidelines applicable in each case.
Test Method
Launch the application and check the startup screen on both the TV and the Wii U GamePad.
Pass/Fail Determination
Passes if all of the following conditions are met.
A single image that is not a blank image (such as a solid color or a screen showing just a simple gradation) is displayed without problems.
Content that the user must see at least once, such as copyright notices, is not displayed only on the startup screen.
Software to Be Tested
All applications.