
7.1 Jumping to the HOME Menu

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The basic idea behind the HOME Button is that when it is pressed, it should transition your application immediately to the HOME Menu. Ideally, the transition to the HOME Menu should happen less than 0.5 seconds after the user presses the HOME Button. However, it is acceptable if the transition completes within two or three seconds. If it will clearly take more than 5 seconds to transition, do not transition to the HOME Menu, and instead display the HOME Menu Disabled icon.
You are welcome to implement some kind of action to accompany transitions to the HOME Menu, such as pausing the game and/or saving current progress.
Note that the user cannot provide input to the application while the HOME Menu is launching. Nintendo therefore recommends that you pause the application (if it is being played locally) while the HOME Menu is running.
The following section explains cases where the application does not need to transition to the HOME Menu, and how to handle such cases.
Although this section contains required content, it is excluded from the guideline items because at present the development environment is not fully prepared yet. Be sure to judge whether or not to transition to the HOME Menu on the application side, depending on the scene at-hand.
There is one exception to this rule: specifications that completely disallow transitioning to the HOME Menu are prohibited. This is because the system would have to be powered off every time the user wanted to close the application.
7.1.1 Handling HOME Menu Launch

Guideline Item
The HOME Menu must be launched when the system detects that the HOME Button has been pressed.
Test Method
Press the HOME Button in each mode of the application.
Pass/Fail Determination
Passes if, in any of the modes the HOME Menu is launched within a few seconds of the HOME button being pressed.
Software to Be Tested
All applications.