
7.2 HOME Menu Disabled Icon

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Just as on the Wii, if the application is in the middle of an operation that cannot be easily interrupted when the user presses the HOME Button, the application can instead display the HOME Menu Disabled icon and not transition to the HOME Menu. In such cases, the application must correctly display the HOME Menu Disabled icon. It is possible to use the Wii U Error Viewer to display the HOME Menu Disabled icon. If you display the HOME Menu Disabled icon without using the Wii U Error Viewer, see section 7.3 Displaying the HOME Menu Disabled Icon Without Using the Error Viewer.
As for which screen to use (TV or the Wii U GamePad), the HOME Menu is displayed on both screens, so generally the HOME Menu Disabled Icon should be displayed on both as well. However, if it is clear which screen the user will be focusing on, then it is acceptable to display the icon on only that screen. Below are some sample cases.
If the GamePad is simply being used as a controller, without activating the screen
It is acceptable to display the icon only on the TV screen in this case.
If only the GamePad is being used to play a given mode, and nothing (or a static image) is displayed on the TV screen
It is acceptable to display the icon only on the GamePad screen in this case.
As the above indicates, display the HOME Menu Disabled icon on the screen to which frame-by-frame rendering is currently occurring. If you are unsure of which screen should display the icon, a good general policy is "display the icon on the screen the user is looking at"; use this as a basis for your deliberations. If rendering on both screens is suspended during a short interval (for example, during a transition between scenes), then it is acceptable not to display the icon on either screen. For details, see the Exceptions listed below.
If the HOME Button is pressed while the HOME Menu Disabled icon is being displayed, but the application is not actually in a state where transition to the HOME Menu is disabled, it is acceptable to transition to the HOME Menu without waiting for display of the icon to finish. However, if your application transitions to the HOME Menu while displaying the HOME Menu Disabled icon, it is possible that the HOME Menu itself will be overlaid on the icon and both will be visible onscreen at the same time. If this kind of onscreen display is undesirable, you can avoid it with countermeasures such as the following.
Do not transition to the HOME Menu while the HOME Menu Disabled icon is still being displayed.
Stop displaying the HOME Menu Disabled icon before transitioning to the HOME Menu.
For implementation details, see the Wii U Error Viewer function reference pages for the IsAppearHomeNixSign and DisappearHomeNixSign functions.
There are also some cases in which it is not feasible to display the HOME Menu Disabled Icon. Nintendo is currently considering such cases, and will publish exceptions for them as they are found. Contact Nintendo at in advance if your application has a situation where it can neither transition to the HOME Menu nor display the HOME Menu Disabled icon feasibly, and your situation is not described in these Guidelines. Currently, support for the HOME Menu is not required in the following cases.
While the application is loading (until the first screen appears)
During a software reset
During a scene transition
During a disc error
7.2.1 Displaying the HOME Menu Disabled Icon

Guideline Item
The application must appropriately display the HOME Menu Disabled icon specified by Nintendo when the HOME Button is pressed during a scene where the application does not transition to the HOME Menu.
Test Method
Press the HOME Button at locations in the application where the application displays the HOME Menu Disabled icon.
Pass/Fail Determination
Passes if all of the following conditions are met.
The HOME Menu Disabled icon is recognizably displayed on the screen on which frame-by-frame rendering is currently occurring.
The application does not alter the HOME Menu Disabled icon specified by Nintendo. However, disproportionate scaling of the icon owing to a 4:3 aspect ratio is not an issue.
The icon is forced to display in the specified location for approximately 1 second.
No fade-in animation is used.
A fade-out animation of approximately 0.3 seconds in duration is used.
Software to Be Tested
Applications that have scenes that do not transition to the HOME Menu.
If the following cases apply:
While the application is loading (until the first screen appears)
During a software reset
During a scene transition
During a disc error