Container does not start
scottdrmyers opened this issue · 4 comments
Intel 5105 CPU
16 GB DDR4
Ubuntu 22.04 with all latest updates
Portainer Business
[Docker Compose]
version: '3'
- 1688:1688
- 46780:8080
IP: "::"
restart: always
- ./db:/home/py-kms/db
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
The container deploys and in Portainer I see that the ports are properly assigned. Then after about 10 seconds the ports disappear from Portainer in the container list, pykms is still showing as "running" but nothing is accessible clicking on the container name shows that the status is "restarting".
I deployed this on another docker host with the exact same configuration, although slightly different hardware. It runs without issues.
[My Ask]
Wondering what I can look at to trouble shoot this. I tried changing the ports/leaving them at default, etc. No go. The ports are not consumed by any other container or service. Tried rebooting the machine as well. I've tried another ENV for the time:
TX: America/Halifax
Same issue.
I then deployed another pykms container "pykmsorg/py-kms" which works totally fine on 1688, however, this container has no webUI which is the whole purpose I wanted to switch to it.
Any ideas?
I've always had problems using the environment variable IP
for some reason, I instead included an ip address at the ports
section like so:
This seemed to have fixed the problem with mine where it simply crashes and restarts without any logs.
If you're planning on not binding it to a specific IP, I guess just remove the IP
in the environment
section, let's see what happens to it after then
Thanks for the suggestions, especially on Christmas Day, haha! Unfortunately it has the same issue with both options:
I removed the IP ENV variable and added the IP in the ports like your screenshot. Failed to start like before. I removed the IP and just left the ports. Same issue.
I tried a couple other random containers and they all worked correctly. I then specifically told it to pull the AMD64 image by specifying the image hash. Same issue.
I'm not going to worry about it, unless there are any ideas, I'm just going to deploy it on another host. It's obviously something with this particular host as this container works on another host with a similar config. If I ever do figure it out I'll post here too. Just really weird! haha
This is indeed really strange, especially as it works on another machine. Idk, but I had some Docker problems a long time ago where something with the cgroupfs
was wrong? Also ensure that the permissions of the database are correct (maybe try not to mount it and check if that helps). Finally, without logs I cannot help you. Try to look into docker events
to see what is going on and getting the logs of the crashing container, please.
Long time, no update - as it works for me I'll close it.