
Can’t keep in background on docker

QFJABC opened this issue · 18 comments

Hello,I recently found something strange. The docker container on my Debian server can't keep in the background.I must connect to my server with Putty and it will run. If I exit the terminal,it will stop working.

When I logon the server,and run "docker ps",as you can see,it returns me "up less than a second",which means it just working when I logon!
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What command are you using to start the container?

What command are you using to start the container?

docker run -d --name py-kms --restart always -p 1688:1688
By the way fix up the picture

屏幕截图 2022-12-21 172835

Please make sure to pull the latest image once more - and send the output from docker image ls. Because I've started the container with the same command you used (without --name as I've run it before):

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS                 PORTS                                       NAMES
502d8f849bdc   "/usr/bin/python3 -u…"   5 hours ago   Up 5 hours (healthy)>1688/tcp, :::1688->1688/tcp   hopeful_cohen

...and it is still running...

Ok,I will try that.

屏幕截图 2022-12-23 184942

It doesn't work....

I'm sorry, but you failed to pull the image correctly. This is my output:

$ docker pull
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from py-kms-organization/py-kms
9621f1afde84: Pull complete 
6831eb133204: Pull complete 
7dc84511a6a9: Pull complete 
c212f116beae: Pull complete 
6a2cecfb044b: Pull complete 
7f1cf1037d65: Pull complete 
4f4fb700ef54: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:830c65dac504b2ebdff18e8126f3c66db06860f306a9703e15b598642b8d9de9
Status: Downloaded newer image for
$ docker image ls
REPOSITORY                           TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE   latest    3ee7f5ad967e   13 days ago   103MB

As you can see, the latest image hash is 3ee7f5ad967e, while you are using 6b45015e0975. Try to use docker pull again.

Now I pull the image correctly, but the problem still have.

Okay. Then I should be able to reproduce this. Could you please destroy your existing container, recreate it using the run instruction and share the output of docker ps and docker inspect [CONTAINER_NAME]?

Hello, and here are the images.

docker ps result
docker inspect result-1
docker inspect result-2
docker inspect result-3
docker inspect result-4
docker inspect result-5
docker inspect result-6

@simonmicro how can a container get stuck in a startup loop when it's health-check is apparently passing?

In the docker ps output it looks as though the container is successfully daemonised but without a passing health check.

I see in the inspect it's not got a failure streak and also that it's returning zero so what is making docker think it's not started?


Looking at the code, I can see we Netcat the KMS port in the container to check it's health. In the inspect output I can see it's returning zero but docker seems to think it's "starting".

@Matthew-Beckett My Windows won't active unless I start Putty for a while.....I don't think it started.

@Matthew-Beckett My Windows won't active unless I start Putty for a while.....I don't think it started.

Is your system dual-stack enabled? I don't expect this to cause an issue but I can see that Docker is binding py-kms to both the IPv4 and IPv6 stack.

Can you try disabling IPv6?

@Matthew-Beckett My Windows won't active unless I start Putty for a while.....I don't think it started.

Can you expand on "unless I start Putty for a while"

What does this mean?

@Matthew-Beckett It means that I must login the system.If I logout the system,it will auto stop.

@simonmicro is this being caused by dual stack being disabled by default in current builds?

@simonmicro is this being caused by dual stack being disabled by default in current builds?

Nope - it should still be active...

According to the return value of 0 is a success?! I have no idea, why Docker considers that container as failed (health-starting indicates, that maybe the startup-time has not passed -> even upon successful checks the container is still "starting"?)... But IIRC Docker should not act upon that - you would need to use something like for that...

Maybe... I've heard that users could use systemd's user-space services... This means that a user could create a Docker service, which only runs while he is logged into the system and then stopped upon logout... Maybe that's the case here?

@simonmicro Yes, I remember that after docker installed,it asks me to create a Docker service which says "Don't need root to start docker"