
duplicate content after running docformatter

finswimmer opened this issue · 2 comments


I've updated docformatter to 1.7.5 and discovered a strange behavior.

Given this minimal example:

async def get_rendered_template(
        template_filename: str, parameters: dict[str, Any], jinja_loader: BaseLoader
) -> str:
    """Render the given Template.

    :param template_filename: name of the template file
    :param parameters: Parameters passed to the template
    :param jinja_loader: Loader to find templates path, see
    :return: Returns the rendered Jinja2 Template, which is a valid LaTex file

This is what it looks like after running docformatter:

async def get_rendered_template(
        template_filename: str, parameters: dict[str, Any], jinja_loader: BaseLoader
) -> str:
    """Render the given Template.

    :param template_filename: name of the template file :param
    parameters: Parameters passed to the template :param jinja_loader:
    Loader to find templates path, see
    :param template_filename: name of the template file
    :param parameters: Parameters passed to the template
    :param jinja_loader: Loader to find templates path, see
    :return: Returns the rendered Jinja2 Template, which is a valid
        LaTex file

Docformatter is running via pre-commit with this config:

  - repo:
    rev: v1.7.5
      - id: docformatter
        args: ["--in-place", "--wrap-summaries", "100"]

fin swimmer

Another example:

def f() -> None:

    :param a: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb s3://cccc.

Running docformatter 1.7.5 with default settings on that file gives this diff:

--- before//tmp/
+++ after//tmp/
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 def f() -> None:
-    :param b: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb s3://cccc.
+    :param b: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+    s3://cccc.
+    :param b: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+        s3://cccc.

Things that seem to have to be true or this doesn't reproduce:

  • first line has to have at least two characters, i.e. x. alone stops the duplicate
  • the text for the parameter has to be long enough for it to split across multiple lines, e.g. when it is :param a: bb s3://cc it fits on one line and there's no duplicate
  • the URL has to have a "known" URL scheme, e.g. using yy:// stops the duplicate, but http:// has the duplicate