
FR: Modify Files as a Formatter

adam-grant-hendry opened this issue · 4 comments

Would it be possible to expand pydocstyle to allow it to modify files in place? Perhaps an additional -w or --write option that could be passed on the command line to enable pydocstyle to act as a formatter?

That is non-trivial to put it mildly. Especially with an underspecified request as this one.

That’s fine, I just wanted to gain sentiment on the issue. I felt the request was fairly self explanatory, so fleshing out implementation details could wait until a consensus was achieved.

Not exactly. Take for example the line-length limit on the first line of a docstring - how would pydocstyle autofix that without rewriting the line? It would need to understand the language and sentiment to be able to do so. Or at least, that's one possible interpretation of what you're asking which is far more than needs to write back out valid python. How would it autofix missing parameter documentation? Add the param to the list and use Loren Ipsum or TODO? That fixes the lint error without improving anything. There's a lot this tool catches that it can't really fix without a huge engineering investment

Take for example the line-length limit on the first line of a docstring - how would pydocstyle autofix that without rewriting the line?

Personally, I would say let plyint be opinionated and rewrite it as it sees fit, ala black

How would it autofix missing parameter documentation? Add the param to the list and use Loren Ipsum or TODO?

Yes, add it and then putty a placeholder string like __param_description__. If a parameter description then has nothing but this placeholder text, let pylint issue a warning that there’s no description or type.

These things have answers, but the question is whether there is enough desire to implement them. Right now, it sounds like there isn’t enough consensus, so I’ll close the issue.