
Mentor - mentee assignment system

Opened this issue · 5 comments

How do we assign mentor-mentee pairs?

  1. Mentor online status?
  2. Mentor workload must be small enough
  3. Not all mentors are the same. How do we know who can solve what things?
  4. Mentors might not be interested in helping out for a particular track. How to accommodate this?
  5. Mentor privacy is paramount. They should not end up getting spammed in their DMs like last time.
  6. Mentor availability will be different according to their personal life. Office hours etc. How do we define DND hours?


  • User wallets. How does a user hold the currency?
  • MRP system. Some place to set rates for activities.
  • How to attach cost to activity in code?
    • decorator?
    • each class is an activity?

@arnabsinha99 we already have a sign in function on the site. You can go through the task list of #10 to see what all was done as the basic setup for the site.

Here's an idea.

  1. Each task has a comments section.
  2. People can ask questions in the comments and other people can answer. Full discussions can be done.
  3. Instead of earning points for activities, people earn "effort". So , "+1 effort for logging in daily", "+1 effort for reading reference material" etc.
  4. Then people can "spend" their effort and get 1-on-1 help from mentors if they need it.
  5. Mentors earn "efforts" by helping others.
  6. Mentors can increase their impact by spending their "effort" and writing down answers to some of the FAQ that they receive. This can fuel our "help/editorial" section for tasks.

A few advantages:

  1. People cannot contact mentors without making a minimum amount of "effort" first. Thus those questions are gone which can be simply googled.
  2. Mentors are incentivized to help people since their answers get published in the FAQ section.
  3. Mentors cannot publish FAQ articles without earning some minimum "effort" first.

Let me know what you think. @PyJaipur/soa2020

When we register the mentors/mentees, we can take the following things as input ( just a rough list, feel free to add more things ):

For mentees & mentors

  • Proficiency in different concepts of DSA, e.g. Arrays, lists, functions etc.
  • UserID of various coding platforms.

For mentors, we could also try adding inputs like

  • areas interested in teaching
  • an approximate range of mentors he/she can handle at once

I would like to have opinions on this.

This list looks good. I'd be cautious about self reporting though. People tend to have stories about themselves which are significantly different from what they actually are.

An alternative could be to take in their userIDs from different platforms and their proficiencies can be assessed from their profiles.

About the interest in teachings, I was thinking of following stackoverflow's system of privileges. So in that system, everyone would start out as a mentee and once they contribute to discussions a lot, we could add a mentor privilege to their account.

That way, we don't have to ask them what they want to mentor in. They simply start mentoring and we passively pick up on how much load they can handle and what topics they like to respond to.

This list looks good. I'd be cautious about self-reporting though. People tend to have stories about themselves which are significantly different from what they actually are.

An alternative could be to take in their userIDs from different platforms and their proficiencies can be assessed from their profiles.

I ll suggest this should be done after some time. when we have userbase. as meanwhile we might have some other ideas also.

About the interest in teachings, I was thinking of following StackOverflow's system of privileges. So in that system, everyone would start out as a mentee and once they contribute to discussions a lot, we could add a mentor privilege to their account.

This part looks good. we can set the boundaries.

That way, we don't have to ask them what they want to mentor in. They simply start mentoring and we passively pick up on how much load they can handle and what topics they like to respond to.

Let's decide on what to choose and start working on it.