
what is the problem?

fkdtz opened this issue · 2 comments

fkdtz commented

This library is experimental. Don't use for production unless you can fix problem yourself.

I like Tornado-MySQL very much. it is useful.
I am concerned about the problem.
what is the problem?
which condition can cause the problem?

This sentence means "I'm not free tech support for you. I won't investigate your problem. You should investigate your problem.".

I've very tired about issue report like "this doesn't works for me" with only few lines of (unexecutable) code. Writing English is hard job to me. I don't want to ask questions like "What is your OS? What is your MySQL version? Could you give me reproducible complete code? What shown when adding this log?, etc etc..."

what is the problem?

  • What you encounter.
  • Generic problem about networking programming with Tornado.
  • Issue fixed on upstream PyMySQL, but not ported to this projects. I won't pay my time to listing them. You can see PyMySQL commit log if you interested in.

which condition can cause the problem?

Vary. Misconfigured MySQL, misconfigured OS, ulimit, blocking file I/O, CPU bound job, etc etc...

fkdtz commented

Thank you very much!