
Copy/Paste error in Job class memory property

robgics opened this issue · 1 comments


  • Slurm Version: 23.2
  • Python Version: 3.6.8
  • Cython Version: 3.0.0
  • PySlurm Branch: main
  • Linux Distribution: RHEL8.3


Attempting to access the memory property of a job resulted in a python error. The offending code is in the memory property of the Job class (pyslurm/core/job/job.pyx). It references "self.min_nodes" which does not exist. It also tries to return the value of "mem_cpu" after calculating mem_node. Based on the code that is commented out below it, it would appear this is a copy/paste error.

Replacing min_nodes with num_nodes, and returning mem_node instead of mem_cpu appeared to fix my problem.


ah yeah, silly mistake. Thanks for spotting.
Feel free to make a PR with the changes for the solution you described :)