
Native vs WHDload 060 compatibility bugs

Closed this issue · 7 comments

New issue for compatibility issues. See #22

@a1exh @Hexaae Please continue here now.

So... I hoped it could be just Imploder (known buggy on 060) so I decrunched AM2_CPU, Ambermoon, intro, extro... but still got 2 random gurus pressing Continue (game) with 1.16 after many run & quit.
Hacky mem allocations again or new bugs?

Can you try the same with the 1.07 version?

The mem allocs are not that hacky. But very greedy. I think limiting them to a certain amount wouldn't hurt. I am not sure about the 5120 byte minimum restriction. @nicode Do you have a clue why they only considered blocks of at least that size in Ambermoon? And maybe why they alloc all memory but ensure 10240 bytes of free mem afterwards? Are those some magic values like "the OS needs that much to print an error" or something like that?

When you say random gurus, do you mean they are different all the time? Can you track a list of the guru types. I guess only a few guru types will occur.

Is this solved by the recent whdload slave?

Yes and no... Castle Godsbane still has memory issues even using WHDLoad, see my recent comments on:

As we discuss this in #66 and it might not be related to my patches or whdload, I will close this one.