
Multiply 2 unsigned single digit integers written in brainf*ck

Primary LanguageBrainfuck


Multif-ck is written in BrainF-ck.

Multif-ck will take two separate inputs of unsigned single digit integers. They will be multiplied and their result will be printed.

BF is a famous esoteric language, you can read more about its history here.

BF is Turing-complete, has 20,000 memory cells (0-255), and is written with only 8 characters:

> < + - . , [ ]


Having heard of BF before, I have always wanted to try my hand at learning and creating a program. Originally a joke to play around with BF, soon turned self challange after a friend suggested for each of us to try develop a program to handle multiplication. With no references, and learning BF only a couple days prior to completion, I present: multif-ck.


You can view / execute multif-ck here.

Extra Info:

  • It is not optimized. This is all logic developed by me, I am almost sure it can be shortened and simplified. Maybe a challange for another day.
  • I had an absolute amazing time writting this program, it has helped a ton with the understanding of memory handling.