
Migration to Typescript (Question)

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Hi @LeonOstrez ,
Is there any plan to migrate the project to Typescript by any chance. As it would for helpful for development and maintenance.

Just as a suggestion as it will be easier if done right on start of the project rather than, processing it in a much more complicated stage. Kindly let me know if you plan for a migration.

World be happy to help ๐Ÿ™Œ

Hi @saran-surya thanks so much for the feedback.

We definitely have in plans to migrate to Typescript as soon as we will have resources for that. Currently we are preoccupied and that task is in backlog.

We are open to contributions so if you, or anyone else, is interested in contributing we would be extremely happy!

I would be happy to help, Is it okay to branch the latest HEAD of the project for the migration ?

This is amazing! Thank you so much.

I think best thing would be if you wait until next week. We will launch one bigger feature next week, so if you start after that it would help with not having many conflicts when merging.

If that is ok with you, I can ping you here next week when launch is live and then you can branch out for migration. How does that sound? But if you are eager to get started then yes, you can branch latest HEAD

Great! I'll keep you updated

Hey @saran-surya sorry for a late reply. There was a lot of new changes coming so I wanted to wait for the merge. We had crazy few weeks behind us and we just launched new big feature in pythagora@0.0.60. If you have time and still would like to contribute, we would be more than happy. Let me know if you need my help with anything.

Also, I would love to hear your thoughts on our new feature! Now you can create unit tests for your whole repository using only 1 command! Check out this video if you are interested to know more!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

I'll be happy to see Typescript support too

Hey @saran-surya sorry for a late reply. There was a lot of new changes coming so I wanted to wait for the merge. We had crazy few weeks behind us and we just launched new big feature in pythagora@0.0.60. If you have time and still would like to contribute, we would be more than happy. Let me know if you need my help with anything.

Also, I would love to hear your thoughts on our new feature! Now you can create unit tests for your whole repository using only 1 command! Check out this video if you are interested to know more!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

So are we looking at a complete rebuild to Typescript, or only make types available for the end package ?

Like both are possible, but the first one would require a knowledge session regarding the project dev flow.
This is the branch that will be worked on for the migration

hey @saran-surya sorry, I somehow missed your last message!

How much would it take you to do complete rebuild to Typescript? We are adding new features very fast so my worry is that its gonna make it really hard for you...

If you do need any help feel free to ping me and if needed we can even hop on a quick call.

Sounds great to me! I'll send you email and we can schedule call there.

Hi @LeonOstrez Congratulations on being selected for YC W24 batch. Are we open to working on this issue? I would love to help.