
File extension is not supported

mnyon-grandkru opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm currently running pythagora on a React codebase written in TypeScript and running into issues running the following command.
I've tried App.tsx as well; I'm reporting this here and my goal is to go over my codebase.

mnyon@Maximal:~/src/friends/queerglobal/qg-frontend-v2$ npx pythagora --unit-tests --path ./src/App.ts
Generating unit tests...
Error: File extension is not supported
    at traverseDirectory (/home/mnyon/src/friends/queerglobal/qg-frontend-v2/node_modules/pythagora/src/helpers/unitTests.js:213:73)
    at async generateTestsForDirectory (/home/mnyon/src/friends/queerglobal/qg-frontend-v2/node_modules/pythagora/src/helpers/unitTests.js:271:5)
Bash script exited with code 0

Hi @mnyon-grandkru thank you for trying out Pythagora! We do not support typescript at the moment. We implemented it last week, but still didn't finish testing. Typescript support might be live today or tomorrow, I will keep you updated here!

Hey @mnyon-grandkru we released new version of Pythagora (0.0.71) and now we support TypeScript for generating unit tests! I hope you will give it a try and give us some feedback! Let me know if you encounter any issues.

One thing I've started to notice is that when mock data is generated, the types are still not complete
for example I have an extensive type for User but the generated testUser array only has two properties so when I try and run the test it will not transpile or run since the types are not adhered to.

For now, having pythagora write tests for the transpiled typescript is more effective and has less errors